Deeside Power Station is the site of an original 500MW gas-fired power station, ceasing generation in 2018.
In a world first conversion, both GT13E2 Gas Turbines were converted to run as synchronous compensators and are now providing zero MW, zero emission stability services including inertia, reactive power and SCL for the National Grid.
Services such as this are core to supporting additional renewable energy on to the grid in a stable and secure manner.
Deeside represents the epitome of reuse and recycle and has utilised many of the plant items that were from its original design.
We view this conversion as just the start at Deeside and have recently cleared 23 acres of land that we aim to develop further to create a renewable energy enabling hub!
We are members of the hynet alliance:
Triton Power is a private power generating company based in the UK.
01482 895500
Saltend Chemicals Park, Saltend, Hedon Road, Hull
United Kingdom, HU12 8GA
Triton Power is a private power generating company based in the UK.
Modern Slavery Statement
Terms Of Use
Triton Power Policy Statements